Can We All Stand Tall and Learn from a Weed?
While I was gardening in my backyard, I noticed a very long weed. The lawn was low so there was no need for mowing. But there was one stem of a weed that stood tall as if reaching for the sky. It was about 3 ft high and swerved from side to side with the wind.
I observed the weed for a few days. It was hard not to notice it standing alone on a blank slate of green grass. I kept thinking I should pull it out, but I didn’t do it. I just thought about the weed. I stepped closer and noticed how green and straight it was. While I studied it, I found myself admiring its resilience and determination. It swayed back and forth with the wind but never broke, bend, or died. It grows in any type of soil, can be found almost anywhere, and survives most conditions.
The weed stood rigid thinking nothing could knock it down. It did not know that it would take some external force, such as my husband, to destroy it. I began to compare it with our lives. We all go through life experiencing ups and downs. Some of us are like a weed which never break or slouch. We stumble from side to side but stand and never give up. Others are not so resistant and give up at the first sign of difficulty. Breaking apart, slouching, or falling into depression letting other forces dictate for us. We forget to realize that we are in control.
So, why not learn from the weed? Let’s be strong, resilient, and determined. Let’s not allow any external forces to destroy us. We can all maintain composure within our difficulties. We can stand tall like the weed. Let us all be a weed!
P.S. I meant to take a photo of the weed in my backyard, but my husband got to it with the mower before I did.