Our Bodies Dictate When we Need Help but Is It Related to Our Emotions?

Debbie's Reflection
4 min readJun 9, 2022


{Disclaimer: I am not, nor am I holding myself out to be a doctor/physician. I am not providing health care or medical advice, or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any physical, mental or emotional issue, disease, or condition. The information provided is based on my personal experience. Always seek the advice of your own Medical Provider and/or Mental Health Provider regarding any questions or concerns you have about your specific health.}

Photo by Madison Inouye

Sometimes Carelessness Kicks In

I try to take good care of myself — following up on my annual physical check-ups, eating as healthy as possible, exercising (if yoga counts), and keeping a positive attitude. So when my left foot started giving me problems early this year, it dawned on me that maybe there was something more to our illnesses. In April 2022, I twisted my right ankle and though I felt a twitch of pain, I disregarded it as something that will soon pass. But the following day while practicing yoga, one of the positions did not sit well with my foot. “Hmm, that does not feel right. I better lay off that foot for a bit,” I thought. The last straw was when I stepped outside with my husband’s flip-flops. They were too big for me. Stepping out the flip-flops twisted sideways, and when I tried to stabilize myself, I overcorrected and twisted my ankle again. “Ouch! I really felt that one.”

I Needed More than Self-Healing

Trying to do the self-healing, I used an ankle support brace and for about a week, I did the RICE. You know, the Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. That did not work, in fact, it aggravated the ankle. With no other option, I made an appointment with the foot and ankle doctor. Unfortunately, I did not only sprain my ankle, but I had tendinitis and a torn ligament too. Therefore, I had to use a CAM boot for a couple of weeks. It’s not my first rodeo with a CAM boot. In 2017, after a partial knee replacement surgery, I ended up with a CAM boot because of two torn tendons on my right foot. To avoid surgery, I underwent fourteen rounds of laser therapy, sixteen weeks on a CAM boot, one month on a cast, and eight weeks of physical therapy.

CAM Boot- image by Amazon

Oh No! Foot Problems Again?

Remembering what I went through in 2017 with my left foot and how I’m dealing with issues on my right foot made me think a lot. “What is wrong with my feet?” Can this be an emotional problem? I remembered I have a book titled, “ Metaphysical Anatomy — Your Body is Talking, Are You Listening? “ by Evette Rose, that connects our ailments to our emotions. I dug up the book and began to read. I was shocked at what I read. The book described my emotions perfectly.

How My Emotions are Connected

According to the book, this part of the body is used to move forward physically and emotionally. Foot problems are a clear indication of a person’s fear of changes, moving forward, reaching success, commitment, or a fear of losing control. That is so true. I am close to achieving big changes in my life. Though I want to pursue my dream, it is scary. It is not the first time I take a big step toward something better, and yes; I was afraid. But it turned out perfectly fine. Why am I so reluctant to take that step again? Maybe because I’m older now? How can I let go of this fear to move forward?

Key Points to Consider

The author, Evette Rose, explains that some of the key points to focus on are to explore trauma related to feeling unsafe to make changes. Fear of the future, if yes, why? Feeling unsupported or unsafe to make changes. Is it not safe to move forward in my life? Why? What would happen? When did the foot problem start? What happened in your life during that time? How did that make you feel?

There’s a list of other key points to focus on but these are the ones that relate to my situation. As a matter of fact, it was the same issue in 2017; but I somehow overcame my fear. I don’t remember how though. I do know I never took into consideration what the book said even though I bought it around that time.

This Too Shall Pass

Now how do I face my fear? The book does not give me the answer, but it provides a starting point for me to find them. I meditate as often as possible. Therefore, I thought I could meditate on what causes my fear and ways to eliminate it. With these key points in mind, I meditated on releasing my fear of moving forward and I continue to do so until this day. Slowly, but surely, I have noticed how my foot is feeling much better. I am no doctor and am not sure this method really works. I can only speak for myself. But I can say that, as of this day, I have been wearing the CAM boot for seven weeks. My appointment isn’t until next week. But I’m sure, the doctor will tell me I can get off the CAM boot. I am ready to move forward now.

Originally published at https://original.newsbreak.com.



Debbie's Reflection

❤ I’m a Medium, a Spiritualist, and a yogi who enjoys traveling and meditation. I’m also a blogger for Traveler Wows and Debbie’s Reflection. ❤