Seeking Healing Through Laying on of Hands

How I Healed Myself

Debbie's Reflection
6 min readOct 21, 2020
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

I Healed with Laying on of Hands Healing

I healed a torn tendon with energy healing using my hands. Yes, it may sound ridiculous to you, but it’s true. This healing practice has been used for centuries. Some call it Reiki Healing but for us, in the spiritualist church it is Laying on of Hands. So, what happened to me?

Here’s My Ordeal

A few years ago, after a partial knee replacement, I had two torn tendons. I had no clue how it happened. In fact, I thought the swelling was because of the recent surgery. Even though my knee healed perfectly, my ankle got worse each day. The surgeon even thought it was an aftereffect of the surgery and it’d be fine in a matter of weeks. But that wasn’t the case.

In Search of Relief

I went to an emergency clinic. An x-ray determined I had a sprained ankle, and the doctor suggested the “RICE” method (rest, ice, compression, elevation) for two weeks. I complied with their orders. It wasn’t difficult since I recently had a partial knee replacement. But two weeks after, the swelling and the pain was worse. By this time, I knew I needed the opinion of a specialist, so I went to the same orthopedic group who performed the knee replacement surgery. It wasn’t the same surgeon but another which I’ll call Dr. Cog, specializing in ankle issues. On the first two appointments, he gave me a steroid shot and just deemed it a sprained ankle, disregarding my previous experience with the emergency clinic. But again, I complied for two more weeks. Upon returning to my follow-up appointment, the specialist realized that it was more than a sprained ankle, and ordered an MRI.

MRI Showed Other Results

The MRI came back showing two torn tendons, therefore; the specialist ordered a CAM (controlled ankle motion) boot. It was a heavy boot that I had to use on the same leg, which I had surgery. I needed to wear the boot for eight weeks and I am a good patient, so once again, I complied.

After eight weeks, they scheduled me for therapy. My ankle remained swollen and painful, but I continued the treatment. The sooner I completed, the sooner I will heal — so I thought. After eight weeks of grueling and painful therapy, I returned to Dr. Cog for a follow-up appointment. The doctor arrived and looked at my ankle. He examined it and asked,

“How are you feeling?”

“As you can see, the swelling has not gone down and it continues to be very painful,” I replied.

He got up, tapped me on the shoulder, and said, “Good, I’ll see you in three weeks,” and left the room.

Wait, what? Did he just say what I heard? I walked out to the reception area, speechless. The receptionist startled me from my shocked state, “The doctor will see you in three weeks. What day do you prefer?” she asked.

“None,” I responded. “I’m going for a second opinion,” I said and left the office.

I Needed a Second Opinion

It was mid-December and hard to find an orthopedic specialist to see me before the end of the year. I could get an appointment with an Orthopedist, Dr. Maj, for mid-January. In the meantime, I used CBD oil to control the pain.

My appointment couldn’t arrive any sooner. I was so happy to understand what was happening to my ankle. I handed her the MRI results and a copy of my records, which I had requested from Dr. Cog. After reviewing my records, she sent me for another MRI. It surprised her to hear the size of the CAM boot they gave me at the prior Orthopedic office since I had a recent knee replacement surgery. “That boot is too heavy. It should’ve been the smaller ones,” she commented.

Unexpected News

The following appointment did not leave me with positive news. The MRI showed that the tendons were worse than they were before the first MRI and therapy. Dr. Maj determined I needed to wear the smaller CAM boot for eight-weeks and if that didn’t work, I will need surgery. It devastated me. I had not worked a full week since before the knee replacement surgery, which was June 27, 2017. Ironically, it wasn’t because of my knee. The knee healed perfectly fine. I needed to continue with my life. I needed to work! So I followed Dr. Maj’s recommendations by staying off my foot as much as possible and using the smaller CAM boot for eight-weeks.

My 2018 shoe collection

It was time for my follow-up appointment. Eight-weeks had passed, and though I wanted to be optimistic about feeling better, the truth is I wasn’t and neither was the swelling. The doctor’s face said it all. I needed surgery. I didn’t want surgery. Dr. Maj mentioned laser therapy but did not guarantee it would work. I will do anything to avoid surgery so I opted for the twice a week laser therapy sessions for seven weeks. I was no longer using the CAM boot but had to be careful and use an orthopedic brace while doing the laser therapy. Seven weeks went by and even though it reduced the swelling a bit, it wasn’t enough to consider it healed. Therefore, Dr. Maj had me on a cast for six weeks.

I Hit Rock Bottom

It was so hard to do anything. I relied on my husband for everything. I felt so useless. After a month on a cast, I called Dr. Maj and requested to have it taken off and try for another round of laser therapy. She reluctantly agreed and had me sign a waiver for refusing the “cast treatment.” They probably wrote on my chart I was a problem patient. I went through another round of laser therapy with the same results — less swelling but no real healing. Dr. Maj again mentioned surgery. At about that time, I had had enough. They prescribed me a pair of orthotics and sent on my way.

I Had to Trust Myself to Use My Own Resources

It had been a year already since this ordeal began. So, I tried healing myself. I usually meditate on average 3 or 4 times a week and had taken a course for Energy Healing — Laying on of Hands at the church I attend. Therefore, I began self-healing using the knowledge I had while continuing to use CBD Oil for pain relief. Every day I meditated and performed an energy healing ritual. Sometimes twice a day until gradually it began easing the pain, and the swelling decreased.

I wish I had just trusted myself and done that long ago. As of today and two years, after my ordeal began, I no longer am suffering from ankle swelling or pain. I have not gone for an MRI, but don’t feel I need to either. Last year, I received a call from Dr. Maj’s office for a follow-up. I didn’t accept the appointment. I don’t want anyone messing with my foot as long as it feels fine. It is doing so well that I’m back to doing yoga. I treat it with care and am so happy that I no longer suffer.

Please know that in no way am I advocating for anyone to disregard their physician’s orders. It is important for you to follow your physician's advice and if considering an alternative method of healing, do consult with your physician.



Debbie's Reflection
Debbie's Reflection

Written by Debbie's Reflection

Debbie is a passionate writer and traveler. She has two blogs, Traveler Wows, and Debbie's Reflection. Follow Debbie's blogs for more inspiring stories.

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